I had an idea today for something called the Semantic News Heatmap. I'm going to try to build it.
I am now thinking I should take stock of current projects:
- The Stuff, my sketch comedy group and our ongoing video effort
- my own video effort to record and post more video online
- my new Tumblr project, Make1Up, in which I will take a photo every day of a 1up mushroom I have on my desk.
- Re-design bsbnyc.net: an undertaking I'm not sure I'm ready for, but it includes re-thinking my approach to widgets, thinking about making a SITE as opposed to just a blog.
- Learn about, contribute to expertise in, and teach others about Twitter. [Example: by my estimate it will be 192 days until someone posts the 1 billionth twitter update. I want to collect more data to model this accurately.]
- Use Friendfeed
What I notice is that these things all are going to find their way into friendfeed. So, use friendfeed. Find me on Friendfeed.