Liveblogging: the Focus on Locus- Panel 1

Intro: maybe people are late because the iPhone 3G went on sale this morning.

  • Eli Noam: mobile on a personal device level used to be impossible unless you were on 4-star general or a CEO.  "the focus on the locus begs the wuestion where is the hocus and the pocus?" [laughter] if custom mobile advertising is such as slam dunk, why isn;t location based advertising available on Cable TV or internet in general.  Who is keeping the database of businesses that are open/still functioning- won't a bad database restrict the growth here? 

Chris Loh (conference organizer, visiting scholar, IDC Analyst): Background

  • The internet was "re-born" by web 2.0, like a phoenix rising from the ashes
  • Mobile developers are strtuggling against a carrier/ government regulation environment. is mobile growth going to require a new diruption of this environment. 
  • Many large incumnbents moving slowly, but there are new entrants such as apple moving into prevviously iuntouched adjacent markets
  • iPhone and mobile services estimates that 34% of apple's 2012 revenues
  • devices are nice but open APIs are a huge enabler, iPhone OS< Android, symbian, others, poised to to help LBS break out and enable real growth.  The winds and winbreaks of change?

Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia UNiversity dept. of CS/EE)

  • time information is everywhere, but space- where we are- is not
  • goals: universzally available, anywhere in the world, independent of networkr connectivity; non-proprietary, energy efficient, and accurate to the level of precsion of a room ( 10m or so) these currentlyt do onot exist in one system
  • location  detrminartion methods have many individual trade-offs
    • gps is highly accurate but does not work well indoors
  • location delivery protocols:
    • LLDP- ethernet prtocol switches continuously broadcvast their location to connected devices
    • DHCP being extended to location info, especially interesting to Wireless aceesss points and internet service providers
    • HELD: allows a device to query aanother for its device, mapping location infromation to a port
  • specialized / closed location based applications wilkl not scale to serve all niche m,arkewts.  geocasting for example was popssible but not a predicted demand for LBS.
  • securing things based on locatrion is well-known asnd used (e.g. securty of a lightswitch)
  • cool examples:
    • inbound call routing (phone only rings if I'm in a relevant location)
    • outbound call routing - send e-mail to to the nerarest branch
    • location based events- subscribe to events in a location, not people
  • Will we see a convergence of LBS service devices which are missing data services, with connected mobile platforms missing location info?
  • Standardization efforts IETF: HEOPRIV and SIMPLE
    • requires a rulemaker to govern the queries and notifications sent and allowed between applications and devices
  • not all LBS services are privancuy sensiteve, e.g "where is the m125 bus?" (the bus doesn;t really have an expectation of rpivacy)
  • what;'s sensitive is when identitiy is mixed with that location information.  even location information by itself, constinuous streams of location information might allow you to identify a person.
  • Privacy:
    • reveal device anonymously (where's the nearest gas station?)
    • revceal identity and location to a service -0- lice firenfd finder service
    • reveal to indiviudal: frient, other, etc.  should delivery drivers be tracked after they leave their shift?  how will devices allow that context?
    • rules must be both technical and legal
    • we're ikssing systems integration more than technical capabilities

Hassaan Wahla(TeleNav): first us launch of stanbdalone GPS applications devices, founded after E911 mandate first launch was in 2002.  deployed globally

  • GPS as being able to change our lives when it comes to LBS
  • why so long to take off?  well, the internet took 30 yearsd to take off, GPS took 20 + from military to commercial/civillian use
  • most GPS cvhips sub $1 at wholesale
  • Both internet and GPS backed by Al Gore. LOL
  • for tier 1 carriers, GPS is a competitive necessity not a differentiator
  • Nokia will ship 35 million gps phones gloablly in 2008
  • GPS not ideal cuatomer experience, assited (AGPS) is becoming popoular.  The era of paying for GPS navigation is over
  • by 2015, the leading GPS devices will be the handsets and not the Garmin/Navtek devices ofw which are specialized PND.  I car still has a huge advantage, but this month, more people will by phioen based GPS than specialized PNDs

Frederic Servais, Qualcomm Internet services:  producty manager for LBS

  • demand estimates: ease of use and dicovery are paramount.  automartic location/ push
  • progression of services 2006 to 2009: navigation, family finder, serach, social networking, aggregation, integration- location will be availablke to all applications
  • personal security, navigation, enterprisxe (geo-fencing, asset monitoring, fleet managtement)

Ted Morgan, CEO, Skyhook wireless\

  • yes location techs have evolved, but consumer demands have changed substatially
  • consumers are far less willing to put up with experience challnegesd, like stanfin outside for 5 minutes to get a fix on your position.  a bbusiness can telkl a driver that, but a consumer won;t stand for ity,.
  • carriers are worrying more about the devices/middleware layers (nokia, google, etc.) than about the other carriers
  • consumer location has high expectations: location available everywhere, consitrenty and high level of accuracy, and fast response time
  • GPS in iPhone 2.0 doesn't work as well in landscape mode as in portrait
  • usage of LBS will be a result of conumer TRUST; [ I wonder, is this an argument for not havbing lots of LBS advertising?  that we don't weanrt to spoil the market for a potential windfall later)
  • will consumers put up with this kokia experience?  don'tt use indoors, in a car, or on a cloudy day! Nokia tips for efficient GPS use
  • Awesome: Trapster a speed trap sharing network. >10,000 speed trapos entered.  ahuge amoutn of these in russia (apparently because bribes are really a dicey proposition and the ONLY way to get out of a traffic ticket) widespread amusement at this feature, but this seems like a great product.

I'm going to skip notes on MewetMoi since I've seen him present a couple of times.

Picking back up with 1020 placsat: spefcilaizingf in geo-functional media.

Marjet and technical challenges across multiple channels - selling campigns across all channels is 1020 placecast's business

Audience + Placement + creative that differes by location.  I can;t help but wonder, is this really that hard to do?  It's still just showing people ads.   I'm  ready for something compelling and not just impressions.

Ben Ezrick, Ogilvy Interactive

some intersting mobile campaigns, new experiment at MIT used RFID to deliver relevant mobile applications.  I'll have to look that one up.

Almost all of mobile ad buys will require MANY buys, not one buy, so that ytiou can reach customers regardless of carrier.  It is now seemingly even smarter that Google is developing Android.  No one can keep them off the phone if the platform is open, and oh yeah, they built it.