This piece from yesterday's NYT seemed to be heralding some great TV ads for the health and wellness industry. The drama of real stories at is powerful and real. The spots break throguh because they are about people, the drama of
trying to get better, and not exaggerated claims about the quality of
What I really liked the "commandments" that NY ad shop DeVito/Verdi crafted for its hospital campaigns, that sounds like it's got a few things to say for other ads:
It's about selling the environment that the hospital creates for its patients, not the cliched descriptions of 'teamwork' and dedication.
What I really liked the "commandments" that NY ad shop DeVito/Verdi crafted for its hospital campaigns, that sounds like it's got a few things to say for other ads:
“No pictures of doctors,” it begins, “no smiling people, no fancy
machinery, no over-promises about medical care, no complicated medical
terminology: just truthful expressions of critical care and
It's about selling the environment that the hospital creates for its patients, not the cliched descriptions of 'teamwork' and dedication.