
A great wide warzone full of nuclear brothers?

Watched Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead a 1995 classic, and was particulalry struck by this quote (which is more or less humourous in context) and its relevance to technology. By the year 2000...I don't know.\

Rather than a racially-polarized warzone, Urban america has had a more commerically driven fate, with a transformation that made it hip to live in Bushwick or in an industrial building converted to condos.  in the last few years, with the impact of wireless communications and the destruction/revival of cities like Detroit, or the reinvestment in Downtown LA that has gentrified parts the "innner city"- all these cities represent technology consumption enabled by population density, rather than a warzone devoid of it.

Baby Sinister: The fact of the matter is by the year 2000 every city will be black. Thanks to the fax, the modem, conference call, federal-f**king express, the beast will be able to conduct his business from his home in the white suburb leaving the city a great wide warzone full of nuclear brothers.
Rooster: That's what I'm saying man, the fax, modem, FTD...
Baby Sinister: What the f**k you talking about, FTD? Rooster: You got to have flowers in the warzone, Baby.


A man's reach should exceed his grasp: why Netflix killed Blockbuster

Blockbuster chief of digital strategy is quoted in Fast Company:

You can always say I wish I did X and not Y. But if you asked me in 2009 whether we'd be the only one in the mobile space selling movies other than Apple and whether we'd have Blockbuster On Demand--never in my wildest dreams would I have aimed this high. [emphasis is mine].

What's the point of a strategy if you can execute on it and pass your own dreams? No wonder my money is on Netflix FTW.