
FedEx vs. UPS = people vs. logistics.

“Before he could play a FedEx courier on TV, he had to become one.”


I saw a :15 pre-roll on  with a  companion banner inviting me to see more on Youtube…followed that link to this behinds the scenes and deep experience in their branded channel.

This is really a fantastic campaign- Much deeper than the funny but average “Retirement” spot all by itself. FedEx deserves credit not just for media planning that enhances the storytelling, but for the larger effect of investing me in the journey of this person and the human experiences he’s having: learning a new job, meeting people who ship and receive packages…and by the end they have a story I care about. 

Anyone think this is working better than the “Ben is Logistics” work from UPS? Me too(United Parcel’s smart choice in names notwithstanding).

Guggenheim Biennial: Live and on YouTube tonight 8PM!

Noticed this morning that the YouTube logo was not as exepcted:The Museum half of the logo execution above links to the YouTube Play channel.  I'm not sure if I somehow missed this in previous years, or if this is a Biennial that begins now, but the custom YouTube channel execution is interesting:

This is leading up to a Live Stream event tongiht at 8pm from the Guggenheim.  Presumably, watch there or live online at 8PM ET: on YouTube Play.  

UPDATE: I just went to Foursquare to link to the Guggenheim, and discovered a special!

"Check in at the Guggenheim’s Art After Dark: YouTube Play event on Fri, Oct 22, 9pm-midnight and enter to win a YouTube Play prize, while supplies last. Show your check in at the Info Desk to win!"

If the Guggenheim can do it, with funding from HP and Intel, can your brand do something this interesting?